There is a LOT of stuff to cover here so I am doing it in bullet point format and you are required to read all the way through the end. Hey, there may be a surprise involved!
1.) Are you going to be in the Minneapolis area on Saturday for the Twins vs. White Sox match-up? Sarah (Oh, It’s Those Girls) & I are having a par-tay to welcome an Out-of-Towner! You may know her from her tweets @AmandaRykoff, formerly known as @CompanyWoman). You can also check out her podcasts here. She’ll be in town this weekend and we want to welcome her to the coolest Blogging/Twittering family! We’ll be pre-gaming at my house on Saturday, July 11 from 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending please RSVP to me at and I’ll send you the details! Hope you see you all there!
1B.) Here’s the deal about the Saturday, July 11 game. It is Faith & Family night. Now, some of you are going to want to just skip down to #2 at this time. I’ll give you a moment to do that…
Faith & Family night. Some of you *cough*Amy*cough* are probably laughing at the fact I will be present in a location that is celebrating the two things I am most opposed to – faith and families. Now, before you start humming the “Cold Hearted Bitch” theme song just remember that I have some good things buried deep in my heart – vodka, love of music, plethora of swear words & a winning personality. See??? Let’s just say that I probably won’t be sticking around for the Jars of Clay concert afterwards – unless David Cook or Tom Petty or Adam Lambert or Gavin Rossdale are opening for them.
2.) HOME RUN DERBY IS NOW MORNEAUSEY-FREE. The rational part of my brain gets it. HOWEVER, the street-fighting, snarling, twirling, jazz hands, finger snapping part of my brain is going – WHA??? He’s gotta go back there and defend himself against all those “JOSH HAMILTON SHOULD HAVE WON” comments. Hey, did you know that Josh Hamilton came back from a drug problem? Let’s be honest. Justin Morneau probably doesn’t have the same brain pattern that I do so he’s probably not playing to save his swing. However, the trashy part of me works overtime and thinks that he’s fed up with the douchebaggery that happened last year. (Oh it was pointed out to me that maybe he doesn’t want to play because The Media couldn’t even be bothered to get his name right – JASON Morneau.)
Once again, I know that my irrational reasonings are NOT the actual reasons but they sure do sound spunky.
3.) There is nothing worse than walking into work after the Twins lose to the Yankees. You see, there are 3 types of baseball fans in MN: 1-Twins Fans 2-Fans of other teams who they are connected to 3-Yankees fans because they are America’s team. My office is 50% Twins Fans, 10% Other Team’s Fans & 40% Yankees fans. It sucks.
Non-baseball but no less important
Let’s keep the numbers rolling
4.) OF JULY! It was a blast. My day was so Americana that I should have painted stars & stripes on my…eyelids (heeey, I bet some of you were thinking something else. Tsk tsk.)
Zeppelin the Dog is patriotic
The red cup, Stacy & me
I call this...patriotic punch. You call it Blue Boone's Farm
Tara & Zeppelin the Dog
Lu & me
Will. I. Am is pretty badass for a 2 yr old
Me peeps!
5.) Okay, I am going to tell you guys this but I don’t want to hear ONE PEEP from youse guys about it. Okay? Can you handle that? *sigh* On Wednesday, July 15 IamgoingtoseeDavidCookinconcertinDuluth,MN.
6.) Adam Lambert may be the best thing since peanut butter cups. Proof?

Yup, I am okay with him being Lucy’s role model.
Music of the Day – One of the Classics Edition
America – Horse with no name
5.) Okay, I am going to tell you guys this but I don’t want to hear ONE PEEP from youse guys about it. Okay? Can you handle that? *sigh* On Wednesday, July 15 IamgoingtoseeDavidCookinconcertinDuluth,MN.
6.) Adam Lambert may be the best thing since peanut butter cups. Proof?

Yup, I am okay with him being Lucy’s role model.
Music of the Day – One of the Classics Edition
America – Horse with no name