I decided it is time to re-launch my baseball twitter account since I am sure 80% of my twitter peeps are sick of me fangirling baseball (oh, they’re totally fine with me fangirling David Cook and Booze). So, let me remind you to follow me at Baseballipgloss if you aren’t already! I love to tweet during baseball games, much to the chagrin of whoever is attending with me.
Spotlight Twitterers:
Orlando Hudson
Question: Who do you think is actually running Orlando Hudson’s twitter? It’s mostly RTs and third person references.
Denard Span
But I am loving Denard Span’s tweets!
Minnesota Twins
I don’t know who is running it but I loved the twitpics from the offices at Target Field and all the Twins Fest tweets!
TC the Bear
I also think our very own Kbrobaseball and him are destined to be best friends! :)
REMEMBER – Only you can prevent forest fires and only you can attend the 2nd annual MN Baseball Twitter/Blogger/Fan meet-up!
Last summer Sarah (Oh, Those Girls) and I had a small but tasteful gathering of Twins fans at my house to welcome a special guest (Amanda from NY) . There was beer, chips and my puppy in my backyard. This year Sarah got the ball rolling and we’ll be meeting up at CHAMPPS in Richfield on Saturday, March 13 to watch the televised Spring Training game and eat baked goods. I am going to make my Getting Drunk of My Bailey’s Cupcakes cupcakes and maybe another booze filled product. So…stop by! Say hi! Everyone and anyone is welcome (well, I don’t want to see Bernie Madoff or Denny Hecker crashing the party) and we swear we aren’t as cliquey as we seem. In fact, Sarah is probably the most entertaining person I know!
Baseball, Beer, and Baked Goods
March 13 at 11:45 a.m.
Champps in Richfield (790 W. 66th Street)
Check out her post here with details on RSVPing
Photo(s) of the Day
This is not baseball related BUT I am in the process of editing photos that I took from the MWK concert I went to in Tulsa last week. Thought I’d post a couple Tulsa/MWK related photos here, strictly for entertainment value!

I walked Route 66 in Tulsa many times in those few days. Sometimes I was even sober!