MinnesotaTwins on twitter answered a few fan questions regarding the new field:
· No public tours are set as of right now but eventually something will be set up.
· All men’s restrooms will have urinals (I guess that means no more troughs. Huh)
· There will be fireworks!
· The proshop at Target Field will be opened year round
· Cupholders do not tilt (a very important issue! For real.)
· And yours truly asked about helmet sundaes and yes…there will be helmet sundaes.
Some signing news:
· Pat Neshek agrees to one-year, $625,000 contract.
· Carl Pavano signs a one-year, $7 million contract. (Those Girls, avert your eyes)
· Delmon Young agrees to one-year, $2.6 million contract
Step 1: Open package and do a little dance
I received my season ticket package welcome thingy this weekend! I maaaay have went “OMG THIS MAKES IT SUPER REAL, YO!” or I may have nodded my head and went, “That’s cool, man.” Either way IT IS HERE!
In non-baseball news in which I think I have some control over the future…
So. I posted on this a blog a song by a band called MWK. Do you know what happened next? They released a tourdate AND guess who is going? Moi. Me. Yo.
Court, Jess & I are roadtripping from Minneapolis to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Now here’s the best part of the news. I get to sing the entire soundtrack from Oklahoma on the drive down…or until someone throws me from the car.
OOOOOOOOOooooooooook. Lahoma where the wind comes sweepin down the plains
Vera – MWK (Andy Skib/To Have Heroes)