Monday, March 23, 2009

You look pretty in your fancy dress/But I detect unhappiness/You never speak so I have to guess

Here’s the deal…I suck at baseball blogging when there isn’t a lot of baseball to watch. I don’t have gameday or any fancy radio stations to catch the games so I am flying blind here folks. I do promise that I’ll be back in action now that things are happening. Girl scouts oath!

Here are some baseball related updates:

* I started a baseball Twitter that if you want to follow during games/baseball things you can. I can’t guarantee I will be all that sober during the Twittering of stuff (you know since baseball = beer.)

* Home Opener tickets have been purchased and the partial season ticket package is on its way to me as I type this.

* Next Sunday I will be participating in A League of Their Own’s Baseball Roundtable. I have to do a little studying up so I can represent well/accurately/non-stuttering (oh, and I have practice not stuttering. Yup.)

Kinda Baseball-ish
Hey, any East Coast blog readers out there?
I am heading to Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and maybe Virginia this summer and I need ideas of things to do. My list already contains a Baltimore Orioles game (the Royals are in town) and a minor league team in Delaware. (Also includes Delaware State Fair, Hershey, ocean time, a scenic drive somewhere, and probably shenanigans but I digress.)

Non-baseball but no less important
Zeppelin The Dog Update

Further proof that you can take the dog out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the dog.

Music of the Day – Feeding my Jack White Obsession Edition
Raconteurs – Old Enough

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