For those of you who weren’t able to make the rally here is my brief and non-informational recap:
*Sue Olson, the organist rocks the free world! I love that she’s such a part of the game for me. Man, I hope to go visit her in her spot this year.
* Wally the Beer Man is like family (and no, not because he brings me alcoholic beverages) but because he’s another staple of Minnesota baseball. My mom remembers him from her days working at the old Met.
* TC scares me up close. I don’t think he has very good peripheral vision that close so I don’t want to get knocked out.
* Dave St. Peter has cute dimples.
* They were handing out poster schedules with Baby Jesus (Joe Mauer) on them. Amy took one and is proudly displaying it in her cubicle.
* Rod Carew and Harmon Killebrew never change. Everyone still loves them!
* Gardy, Neshek and Brendan Harris were the current Twins at the rally.
* Neshek is very comfortable speaking in front of the crowd.
* Brendan Harris is absolutely adorable! I know, many of you are rolling your eyes (much like my co-worker who was standing by me) but it’s true!
* The audience Q&A times always are a little bit uncomfortable.
* Harris said that the crowd at the rally was about the same size that Tampa Bay had at their home opener game last year. That made me chuckle.
* Minnesota people are either very generous with allowing space when standing in a crowd or totally clueless and all up in your business. You know what I mean…
* I like watching the people at the rally more than the players. Some people walk by looking so confused not understanding what is happening.
Well, that’s about it. I hear Those Girls made it to town safely and are keeping warm and dry at Hubert’s. Lucky girls…I still have three hours left.
With those who don't give a damn about baseball, I can only sympathize. I do not resent them. I am even willing to concede that many of them are physically clean, good to their mothers and in favor of world peace. But while the game is on, I can't think of anything to say to them. ~Art Hill

Happy Opening Day!
Whew, it was a very, very tough off-season for me. I mean, I didn’t have a flying clue what the hell I would fill by blog with. Fortunately (or unfortunately for some) I just did quick blurbs and kept the rest filled with music. That at least kept me semi-sane.
Let’s bring on the bullet points in preparation for the 2008 baseball season:
* Right now my blog counter is at 9,223 hits. Let’s see where the season ends.
* Last year around this time… 4/3/07 Home Opener: Minnesota Twins, 7 vs. Baltimore Orioles, 4
* Home Opener attendees in my posse: Amy (my Baseball Partner-in-crime), Foley, Gregg and Pat.
* Gregg hates: doing the wave, fans running on the field, throwing back the other team’s home-run ball, signs and TC the Bear. I like to make fun of him for all of those.
* I am wearing my Got Postseason? t-shirt. I want to start the season off with a positive start.
* I am bringing in the dome with me: camera, cell phone, chocolate covered pretzels, Bonnie Bell Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker and car keys.
Let me warn any new readers to this blog:
*Sometimes this blog doesn’t make sense.
* Sometimes I post a Swear Count. (2)
* Sometimes I am irrational (this from the girl that hates dolphins, nature and deer.)
* Occasionally I rant.
Well…I guess that’s it. See you at the Metrodome!